Time for a new way of thinking? Here are the industrial designer’s 3 best tips for successful products.
For over 35 years, Bård Eker has worked with both Norwegian and international production companies. This has provided extremely valuable experience, especially in terms of which mistakes can easily be avoided by making the right choices.
In short, industrial design is a fine balance between aesthetics and engineering, which often provides great value to companies that want to think fresh.
Having the experience and ability to see new opportunities, the industrial designer is often used in situations where you want to boost sales. In other cases, he may contribute when the customer has discovered properties of a new material, and needs help figuring out how new technology and material can solve an existing problem.
When emergency projects appear, for example when new environmental requirements lead to challenges with current solutions, the industrial designer can help.
Through a number of projects, Bård Eker has faced challenges where the aforementioned situations have come to life. With his experience and abilities, along with the right equipment and a futuristic view of functional solutions, he has helped several companies find good and feasible solutions.
This is the experienced industrial designer’s advice for those who want to innovate:
Involve the agency early and encourage new perspectives
A second opinion is almost always valuable, especially in connection with research. This phase is definitely not one you should save money on.
We have 35 years of experience and see the product or situation with slightly different eyes. Our recommendation is to let the industrial designer see your hand and challenge the problem definition.
When the goal is simple concepts and easy-to-produce products, the preparation phase is essential. With our background and expertise, we are able to understand and take the company’s strengths and weaknesses into account.

Define status
It is always wise to consider finances and opportunities versus the risk you take by doing nothing. Ask yourself “how can we finance it and which constraints do we have?” Carefully consider whether you can afford to implement – or if you can afford not to.
Occasionally you have to do more with less, in which case that can be an acceptable solution. Remember that the surroundings keep moving forward even if you choose not to.
It’s really about the risk you’re willing to accept by sitting still, as opposed to the opportunities and yields that can be gained by taking that risk.
Ensure distribution and make an impact
The art is to sell – all the way to the end user. That is why it is so important to be able to see and convey the value of good design and engineering.
It is admittedly a fact that one must have breakthrough power to succeed. Therefore, remember to ensure good reception in the sales and dealer departments.
> Stokke’s efficient marketing, sales and distrubution set-up secured the success of Stokke Xplory