Roseslottet 2020 – Rose Castle 2020
Roseslottet 2020 – Rose Castle 2020 – named after the resistance group “The White Rose”
On May 8th 2020, it will be 80 years since Norway was invaded in 1940, and 75 years since its liberation in 1945. Rose Castle 2020 is an art installation and an educational project which aims to tell the story of the occupation of Norway and of the fundamental principles of democracy, the constitutional state and humanism which were invalidated by the occupation.
The Rose Castle will be lit on Friday 8th at 21.05 to mark the liberation of Norway during World War II. The lighting will be streamed live on Facebook. The official opening will take place later this summer. Join the livestream here >
Roseslottet, -the Rose Castle was named after a group of students which in 1942 fought the Nazi-regime by non-violent methods, and became an important player in the war called “The White Rose”. They painted slogans like “Freedom” and “Down with Hitler” on the walls of Munich hoping to shake their fellow citizens out of a state of fear or indifference by reminding them of their moral responsibility to humanity.
In their honor we created a 3.5 meter white rose and the portal of 1200 kg on mission from Vebjørn and Eimund Sand.
See the amazing film (in Norwegian) about the production process.
?: Sandbox
?: Martin Romberg