Seilmagasinet: Impulse Power investing in electric outboard motors and batteries.

Since 2019, Erik Skaarnæs and Arne Johannesen have been working on developing their own electric outoboard motors. The product originates from China, but the engine has now been greatly improved, and received a design boost by Bård Eker.

Many hours have been invested in product development together with Eker Design. The engine has been picked apart, and every piece has been analyzed, assessed for corrosion, durability, cost, etc. This “tear-down” analysis has been important for us to ensure that we have a product that works in Norway, and that we can be proud of. Several changes have been initiated after this analysis. Then a final design direction was chosen. Working with the manufacturer, we have developed new tools for producing the engine in high quality, with a finish and design expression that we are proud of, says Skaarnæs.

Impulse Power will supply electric outboard motors with three different engine outputs, 2.8 kW, 4.3 kW and 6.5 kW. Compared to petrol engines, these outputs are equivalent to 3 hp, 5 hp and 8 hp.

The electric motor «Impulse 6» is estimated to weigh 18.5 kg, A 6 hp Yamaha weighs 28 kg. The weight difference is significant when mounted on the rear. The battery will weigh approximately  15 kg, which allows you to carry it home with you to charge.

The electric motor will be easy to use and very easy to start!

Read the full article in Seilmagasinet;

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