Scaling up the sculpture “Creature from Iddefjord”

Scanning, scaling and providing cutting instructions for Johansen Monumenthuggeri. 

Based on a handmade scale model by the Artist Martin Puryear, Johansen Monumenthuggeri was given the task of producing a massive 130 ton, 7.5-meter tall sculpture out of Iddefjord granite. 



The challenge for Johansen Monumenthuggeri was to divide the sculpture into 44 individual blocks of stone and use these to replicate the exact shape of the model with high precision. Johansen Monumenthuggeri is a traditional stonecutter with roots back to 1946. In close cooperation with sculptors and artists from all over the world, they produce sculptures and decoration projects for private or public display.

Our task at Eker Design was to transfer the handmade scale model into a digital format and scale the model to the correct size. The digital CAD model then had to be separated into multiple blocks to meet the limitations related to the heavy granite stone and the stonecutting production method.

The cooperation with Eker Design has saved us time and workload as their contribution has increased our precision and secured the process.  The close dialogue with Eker was very comforting and productive for the stonecutters creating the sculpture.
-Vigdis Johansen, CEO Johansen Monumenthuggeri


The first step was to scan and digitize the small handmade sculpture in our 3D scanner and scale the model to the correct size.  In consultation with the artist and the stonecutters, we constructed the digital model into 40 different blocks in our CAD system. We could then calculate the center of gravity for each block, which was used to define each block’s position to secure a stable construction and the position of the lifting connectors.

The next step was to extract line drawings from our CAD model for the stonecutting saw machines to cut the separate blocks with high precision.

The last step was to design templates and produce these in our large CNC milling machine. The templates and reference points from our CAD system were used by the stonecutters as an important tool to be able to copy the correct shape of the sculpture.


Over the course of this project, we have demonstrated that this cooperative relationship has many benefits – including an overall safer process, as well as increased productivity and reduced resource costs for the stonecutters. The end result was a massive sculpture with perfectly scaled dimensions according to the original, handmade model – exactly how the artist designed it.

The aft seating area is flexible in its design and allows the possibility of adding the necessary equipment/ tools for fireboats or similar vessels.

Because of the speed potential, all Hydrolift boats are ergonomically designed with the steering wheel in the middle with easy access to critical equipment. To increase stability especially when the boat is occupied with 8 persons, trim tabs are available as an option.

In addition to the pilothouse, a new deck was designed and engineered. It was important to keep easy access end exit solutions in the front, side, and rear, as well as the comfort solution in the cabin, toilet, and pantry.

For optimal use of the boat in the evening, nights, and the dark season, red night lights in the pilothouse were included in the concept.

Photo: Johansen Monumenthuggeri / Eker Design