Design and development process of the upcoming Hydrolift X-28 DC.
The new pleasure variant of X-42 will be offered with Mercury V12 Outboard Engines for a powerful and joyful ride.
When designing and engineering the new Hydrolift X-32 it should be as much fun to be in when you arrive at the anchorage, as it is getting there.
See how we designed the Hydolift X-27 including design concepts, simulation, and CNC machining.
night we were honored with the The DOGA Award, for the design and development of EpiShuttle for EpiGuard and the Hydrolift Professional P-42 project.
The first of the ten rescue vessels of the new Staff class was today baptized at Hankø Marina.
Hundreds of visitors came to Hankø and celebrated together with donator Einar Staff.
Here is a video showing the milling process of the upcoming Hydrolift X—22 rear end in Eker Designs Zimmermann CNC Machine Center.
We congratulate Redningsselskapet with the successful launch of “redningsskøyta Elias”, and we are proud of what we have achieved together! We do wish all these Elias vessels a safe journey! Ship Ohoi
The world’s largest message-in-a-bottle will be released to the ocean currents outside of Tenerife on March 13th. We do wish this wessel a happy journey! Ship Ohoi
OSLO: Eker Design/Hydrolift and their Hydrolift SX-22, is this time compeeting against one bank, one offshore supplier and one IKT-company for the Honory Award
The Norwegian Design Council awards Eker Design for EasyRoller and Hydrolift SX-22
World wide launch of S-28
After the Leadership contest held by the Nordisk Barometer and the Scandinavian bank Nordea was complete, the results showed Bård Eker / Hydrolift as this years winners.
With the Hydrolift S-28, we are introducing a concept that provides an unique and wide range of use based on smart interior and exterior solutions.
Hydrolift are introducing the new SX-22, the first model from their upcoming outboard series.
Eker Design shows a little more of the much anticipated S-27 – the open sport cruiser. Without revealing all the impressive innovation in the cockpit, you can see the large bathing platform and the front sitting area. Don’t miss the unveiling this fall.
Dassault Systèmes a worldwide PLM leader and software innovator is running an article about Eker Design’s and Hydrolift’s use of 3D systems in the development process of new boat models
When Oslo Boats Show 2008 opened a lot of attention was drawn to the new Hydrolift model S-25 SUN.
On March 12th Hydrolift received from the Norwegian Design Council the Award for Design Excellence.
Med moderne 3D design og god planlegging kan prosessen frem til ferdig produkt gå svært raskt.
Jeg har vel aldri løpt så mye og så fort som jeg gjør i denne jobben, sier Geir Moen oppriktig, men med et smil.
Winning the UIM Class-1 Offshore World Championships enabled the Hydrolift team to reach yet another milestone in maritime performance. Racing is at the heart of our creation process, where the limits are pushed to the edge.
Brende met with Bård Eker and Hydrolift in connection with their cooperation with Nortrade…