Eker Design honored with two DOGA awards at the annual ceremony 2017
Tonight we were honored with the DOGA Award, for the design and development of EpiShuttle for EpiGuard and the Hydrolift Professional P-42 project. The DOGA Award for Design and Architecture is a distinction awarded to Norwegian businesses and practitioners who demonstrate the outstanding use of design and architecture. The award aims to showcase and spotlight exemplary projects.

EpiGuard and Eker Design has been awarded by the DOGA (Norwegian Center of Design and Architecture). The award was achieved in the category of Industrial Design, at DOGA in Oslo. “We are very proud and honored for being awarded with this prestigious prize” states Fridtjof Heyerdahl, CEO of EpiGuard. “The award is a confirmation that we have achieved our goal of developing a product that fulfills all requirements for a good product, such as user integration, serviceability, cost of ownership, product quality and overall industrial design, states Bård Eker, Industrial Designer and CEO of Eker Design.
Statement from the jury; The EpiShuttle meets all relevant criteria in a brilliant way. First of all it solves a demanding medical issue and will be a lifesaver that limits the spread of life threatening air borne diseases. Cost of ownership is improved by the possibility of decontamination and reuse of the product. The design allows for full intensive care treatment and emergency procedures, while maintaining maximum patient comfort.
About DOGA: DOGA is a driving force behind sustainable value creation through design and architecture. DOGA facilitate collaboration between creative talents and businesses and work to strengthen the role of design and architecture in shaping the tomorrow of Norway.
Read more about the Epishuttle project here or visit Epiguard.

Through the Hydrolift Professional P-42 project, Hydrolift and Eker Design have once again received a prestigious design award. The DOGA Award for Design and Architecture is a distinction awarded to Norwegian businesses and practitioners who demonstrate the outstanding use of design and architecture. The award aims to showcase and spotlight exemplary projects.
One hull – nine vessels: Hydrolift has developed a modular product platform for the professional boat market, where the customer can choose from various standard options for easier maintenance and higher operating hours. The project is motivated by reducing costs and increasing efficiency in production of patrol boats, which have so far been characterized by one-off models and costly adjustments. The SAR model has been developed in close cooperation with the Norwegian Society for Sea Rescue. “This model is a unique, top modern and very fast search and rescue vessel”, says Hydrolift owner Bard Eker. The requirements for functionality and readiness are under constant development and for saving lives at sea it is very important to have a short response time when the accident has happened. “The awards confirm that we have achieved our goals to develop products and solutions that meet all requirements such as user integration, ease of use, reduced cost of ownership, product quality and solid industrial design”, concludes Eker.
Jury Statement: This is smart, tough and very difficult to perform. The different patrol boats require different characteristics, and it is not an easily done to create a common platform that is flexible enough to meet the various challenges and at the same time is “strict” enough to standardize. Eker Design has previously marked itself as innovative and experimental, which they deserve all possible praise for. DOGA means this project is top class when it comes to product design and offers a real improvement in a market that is very pressured on price and time.
Read more about the Hydrolift Pro-series here