
Development and manufacturing of composite products.

In may we attended HavExpo, the Bergen-based aquaculture fair, together with our customer EasyX – the future of fish tank cleaning.

We’re excited to share that the Hyke Shuttle 0001 is now serving Fredrikstad! Launched yesterday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony, this ferry connects Bekkhus and Vaterland. Over the next year, it will be part of a pilot project aimed at speeding up city travel. What usually takes 30-40 minutes by public transport can now be done in 5 minutes!

Eker Express: Et kompass for virksomheters innovasjonsreise

Design and development process of the upcoming Hydrolift X-28 DC.

Eker Design har siden 2018 samarbeidet med Safeback teamet for å kombinere sin unike kompetanse innenfor design, engineering, prototyping, testing og simulering – med Safeback teamets unike produktide og kompetanse rundt problemstillingen rundt snøskredofre.

Eker Design og Wilfa har mottatt både Red Dot Award og iF Design award for Wilfa ProBaker!

Eker Design og Mill har igjen innledet et kraftfullt samarbeid for å sette en trend i designlandskapet for varmeovner. Med et delt fokus på fremragende design og ytelse, har vi skapt produkter som ikke bare leverer effektiv varme, men også forsterker Mills merkeidentitet med unik stil og utseende.

Eker Design og Mill har hatt et tett samarbeid med mål om å utvikle en banebrytende luftrenser. Eker Design har bidratt med sin unike ekspertise innen design og utvikling, samt veiledning i produksjonsmetoder og utvalg av sentrale komponenter.

Hydrolift har nå startet arbeidet med en helt ny redningsskøyte i sin fabrikk i Fredrikstad. Fartøyet inneholder flere bærekraftige løsninger og skal blant annet bidra til mer effektiv sjøredning.

Tre skientusiaster brakte oppfinnelsen sin til Eker Design, et produkt som skulle gi livreddende luft til snøskredofre. Allerede før Safeback er lansert har gründerne vunnet en av verdens mest gjeve priser innen innovativt sportsutstyr, ISPO 22 Award.

Stiftelsen Norsk Luftambulanse utvikler verdens første CT-skanner i helikopter, sammen med Eker Design og det australske tech selskapet Micro-X.

Alle som ville fikk komme på den aller første workshopen hos Eker Werks på Skøyen, som denne gangen omhandlet patenter. På talerstolen stod representanter fra Patentstyret, FONIP og Eker Design.

Eker Express åpner nå for start-ups i 2022

After a period of strategic work and development, we are now very happy to finally be able to show more of our new and updated visual identity which includes a new logo, colors, typography, image style, layout and much much more.

We are pleased to see that the products we are helping to develop get the spotlight after a period of development. Safeback gives the public a glimpse of the new avalanche safety equipment Safeback SBX.

Eker Group is expanding! One of our latest additions is a new office, housed in the heart of the unique Thune area at Skøyen in Oslo.

Eker Design is participating in the competition to design a high-speed vessel for future transport.

On September 22nd, we signed a framework agreement with the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment – FFI.

I mange år har de løst kundeutfordringer gjennom å spesiallage maskiner og løsninger…

Eker Defence & Security (EDS) combines the knowledge and capabilities of Eker Group to deliver innovative solutions to the Defense & Security sector.

Wilhelmsen and Redningsselskap will collaborate on the development of “Green Saver”, and Hydrolift has been commissioned to build the rescue boat.

Buddy sX1 and the concept version of the X3 Family were presented at the EUROBIKE fair in Germany in collaboration with V Frames and Sachs.

On June 17th the annual Revolve Race Car was unveiled. The two R21 cars were proudly presented at an event in Trondheim

The console boat GrenWaves 630X is the latest boat from Green Waves, and the first console boat of their own design.

At the World Bicycle Day June 3rd in Oslo, Minister of Climate and Environment Sveinung Rotevatn enjoyed the new Buddy X1 electric bike for a test drive.

Equal children play best – we therefore contacted Eker Design says Trond Westgaard, CEO at Datek Smart Home

The new pleasure variant of X-42 will be offered with Mercury V12 Outboard Engines for a powerful and joyful ride.

The mix of new views, technology and education with long experience and good handicraft can create very good synergies.

Eker Group and Eker Design have been granted 2 million NOK in support to increase our knowledge and development for medical products and health technology.

Since 2019, Erik Skaarnæs and Arne Johannesen have been working on developing their own electric outoboard motors.

As a result of the electric bicycle trend, Buddy Bike decided to develop a new bike with Eker Design as their design partner.

Bård Eker thinks that Norway has what is takes to live form health tech innovations in the future…

The book “Norsk Design og Kunsthåndverk A til Å” presents the width and the quality of Norwegian design and handicraft from 1880 until today

Six years ago, we made the first design sketches. In 2018, EpiGuard sold 12 single-patient isolation and transport systems. Last week we made EpiShuttle #200 in our basement.

The Norwegian Post (Posten) has a target to drive innovation and use new technology. As early as in 2018, they launched the first test model.

When designing and engineering the new Hydrolift X-32 it should be as much fun to be in when you arrive at the anchorage, as it is getting there.

For over 35 years, Bård Eker has worked with both Norwegian and international production companies. Here are some of his tips for success.

A new article from Vekst i Fredrikstad (Growth in Fredrikstad) explores competitive advantages of Eker Design.

Tune in and listen to NRK P2 portrait interview with our CEO and owner Bård Eker.

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