BioMKR: Blood glucose monitoring without skin puncture
Transferring diabetes monitoring technology from industrial products to consumer wearables
Prediktor has since 1995 developed advanced instrumentation and software for production industries. In 2013, Prediktor Medical was established as a spin-off company to do a tech transfer of a working industrial real-time measurement technology to a wearable device for measuring biomarkers.
Almost 10% of all adults have diabetes
Today 1 out of 11 adults are living with diabetes (463 million people), where half does not know they even have diabetes. 10 % of global health expenditure (USD760 Billions) are yearly spent on diabetes. The intention of BioMKR is to empower diabetics to understand how their actions affect their biological state in real time by use of a non-intrusive technology that does not limit their life.
Developing ergonomic and functional design within the ISO 13485 requirements.
To develop a medical device according to ISO13485 adds additional dimensions to both the design process and the design requirements. The standard defines the design process and manufacture of medical devices, all to achieve the quality and safety required to certified as a medical device. As a design company our challenge is to understand how the standard affects the product in form of function, design, part supplier and material properties as biocompatibility. Ergonomic design was important for maintaining high comfort for long term us. Waterproof interfaces as USB charging parts and user interfaces by tactile buttons were functional that required special attention during our engineering and testing phase.
BioMKR – a modular and waterproof Glucose Monitor
The BioMKR is a wearable medical device that continuously monitor the users blood glucose. The modular design allows the user to simply move the main unit to different types of wearables designed and optimized for specific purpose as training, swimming, sleeping or day use. The complete unit is fully waterproof and are now going through massive testing.